“You can’t start a new life with the old one

“Why not?”, I reply as I sip my coffee in the cafe by the beach and take a look out the window.

14 hummingbirds at the feeder that we moved to the beach.  She seemed lonely so we added the constant companion of fluttering wings o distract her from the monotony of daily routine as they go and come to eat the nectar from the small hanging contraption, yo.

“You need to accurately close one chapter before beginning the next

“BULLSHIT. When the story sucks, you grab a different one”, I reply as I set my taza on the wooden table and look at the small rack of hanging surfboards on the far wall, “when ou want to stop then you start something new, yo.”

“You can’t read two stories at the same time, yo”, Bilta replies as he takes a gup from his styrofoam cup.

“You can read three, four or none as much as you want and you can start a new one anytime even half-way through your current one or the last page of the first or first of your last one”, I reply, “your neediness shows through like sun on a hazy day, yo.”

“It’s friendship, yo.”

“It’s bullshit”, I respond as I look back at Bilta, “many surfers can ride the same way at the same time but only one per board, yo.”

“That’s not true”, he responds as he looks back at me.

“I know too but my point is made valid by my stern facial features, longing look into the distance and authoritarian and liberal use of my hand gestures.”